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The Kick-off meeting of the WIDE Project

On February 17th 2022, Consortium joined the online Kick-Off Meeting of the WIDE project - Women Integration through Digital Entrepreneurship, co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Commission, which brings together 6 partners from 6 countries (Italy, Spain, Belgium, The Republic of North Macedonia, Romania and Serbia). The KOM, was held in online mode due to COVID-19 restrictions.

During the kick-off meeting the partners defined technical and operational aspects of the Project Results and related activities. The goal of the meeting was also to define the project and financial management aspects as well as aspects pertaining to Internal Quality, Monitoring & Evaluation, Risk Management.

WIDE project will produce several intangible results such as the empowerment of women digital skills and entrepreneurial aptitude in order to boost their participation in social and economic life and activities, increasing their awareness and knowledge of business intermediation thanks to the digital skills acquired, enhancement of capacity and competitiveness of the participating organisations.